Sólo porque usted está usando un dispositivo móvil de los consumidores no significa que usted debe limitarse a aplicaciones de consumo como Skype o FaceTime. Aplicaciones de nivel empresarial proporcionan una mejor calidad, la interconexión con los sistemas de videoconferencia existentes en la empresa, ofrecen una alta seguridad y añadir ricas herramientas de colaboración no de vídeo, tales como el intercambio de documentos.
Colaboración crowdsourced
Piensa en todos los lugares que su empresa podría utilizar video personal para hacer la comunicación más íntima y eficaz: reuniones ejecutivas, aprendizaje a distancia y la formación, reuniones, sesiones de lluvia de ideas de los clientes, reuniones de socios, la colaboración con los trabajadores a distancia, las actividades de I + D, y de resultados.
Conexión con los trabajadores de servicio de campo es un área especialmente madura. Los técnicos están compartiendo visuales en directo y video chat con los operadores para fijar el equipo en los sitios de los clientes, tales como unidades de electricidad y gas, cajas de cable y equipo de gimnasia. Eso ayuda a mejorar su capacidad de fijar el equipo por primera vez, dice John Ragsdale, analista de la Asociación de la Industria de Servicios Tecnológicos.
"Es el momento [de las organizaciones de servicios sobre el terreno] para superar su paranoia sobre el vídeo y empezar a ponerlo en su operación de apoyo", dice Ragsdale.
En otro caso, los fabricantes médicos usan el video para localizar y resolver sistemas de salud críticos. Un microscopio quirúrgico que no trabaja en un área remota de Montana puede ser fijado por un técnico en San Jose, California, discutiendo el problema de vivir con quien esté presente, evaluar la posibilidad de uso de vídeo de alta definición, e incluso compartir fix-it tutoriales.
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Just because you’re using a consumer mobile device doesn’t mean that you should limit yourself to consumer apps like Skype or FaceTime. Business-grade apps provide better quality, interconnect with existing enterprise videoconferencing systems, offer high security, and add rich non-video collaboration tools such as document sharing.
Crowdsourced Collaboration
Think of all the places your company could use personal video to make communication more intimate and effective: executive meetings, distance learning and training, customer meetings, brainstorming sessions, partner meetings, collaboration with remote workers, R&D activities, and performance reviews.
Connecting with field service workers is an especially ripe area. Technicians are sharing live visuals and video chatting with operators to fix equipment at customers’ sites, such as electricity and gas units, cable boxes, and gym equipment. That’s helping them improve their ability to fix equipment the first time, says John Ragsdale, an analyst with the Technology Services Industry Association.
“It’s time [for field service organizations] to get over their paranoia about video and start to bring it into their support operation,” Ragsdale says.
In another case, medical manufacturers are using video to troubleshoot and fix critical health systems. A nonworking surgical microscope in a remote area of Montana can be fixed by a technician in San Jose, California, by discussing the problem live with whoever’s present, examining the scope using HD video, and even sharing fix-it tutorials.
Connecting with field service workers is an especially ripe area. Technicians are sharing live visuals and video chatting with operators to fix equipment at customers’ sites, such as electricity and gas units, cable boxes, and gym equipment. That’s helping them improve their ability to fix equipment the first time, says John Ragsdale, an analyst with the Technology Services Industry Association.
“It’s time [for field service organizations] to get over their paranoia about video and start to bring it into their support operation,” Ragsdale says.
In another case, medical manufacturers are using video to troubleshoot and fix critical health systems. A nonworking surgical microscope in a remote area of Montana can be fixed by a technician in San Jose, California, by discussing the problem live with whoever’s present, examining the scope using HD video, and even sharing fix-it tutorials.
Ensuring Success